Business Overview

Mothers of the world,
Healthy Women,
Beautiful Women
Genoheal is taking on female health concerns to enhance the quality of life for all
women, for and more beautiful women and mothers of the world. With the new
advanced biotechnology based on natural ingredients and peptide-based
compositions, we have pipelines for new drug discovery and functional ingredient development.
More women worldwide suffer from subfertility and menopausal
syndrome, but the development of targeted treatment and functional ingredients
is still lagging.
Our company¡¯s core business is developing a treatment for enhancing women¡¯s
quality of life and health. We are currently carrying out research and development
of promising candidate compounds at our own research lab but also in a research
partnership with preclinical and clinical trial labs worldwide as well as
pharmaceutical companies and bio venture enterprises.
Everyone at Genoheal is committed to growing as a bio-health company that
contributes to national health with the goal of developing safe treatments with no
side effects and functional ingredients.